Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mommy's Project 52:14 Fixing

We are in the process of a big move. When we moved here 18 months ago, I realized that I let my feelings about the move show and it made the move harder on my son. This time I need to do a better job making this move a positive experience for my son. This weekend we started the process of moving our life from here to there. We closed on a house on Friday. Then we camped out in the house for the weekend. My husband and I thought a good introduction to the neighborhood would be trick-or-treating.

Letting my son take some personal ownership of his room was another way we felt we could get him more excited about this move. My son got to make his bedroom personal by adding dinosaur decals to the wall. We him decide where to put them in the room and kept our interference to a minimum. His only rule was they had to be higher than his sister could reach.


He wanted to help paint his sister's room. We didn't know if he was old enough but we gave him a chance and he made us so proud. He worked so carefully with the paint. Then we added some flower decals on her wall.
This is her room all fixed up.

It was a good start. When we were done, my son looked at me and said, "So we can stay here forever? Or until Daddy gets laid off from his job again, right?" He is exactly right and maybe even then. So I am doing my best to be positive about all things involved with the move because I know I have little eyes watching how I handle the move and I want to fix all those scared feelings he has about moving one more time. I think the painting and decorating even got me excited about this new chapter of our lives.


  1. Very cute rooms! Good luck with the move!

  2. Good luck with the move!! We just moved a few weeks ago. It is amazing how much stuff we have collected over the years...

  3. So cute! And yes, the little eyes are ears are always open... they can read so much into an expression it's scarey!
