Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mommy's Project 52:26 Networking

Networking. The kind of networking I do has changed in the phases of my life. When I was young and single it was a way to meet new people. In my career you needed to know different people in different departments and various locations. When you needed information or assistance, you always knew who to call or who could get something done about the situation.

With two big moves in the past two years, networking has been about survival. When you are in a new city with no friends or relatives you have to network quickly to get your family settled and into a normal routine as soon as possible. Where have I networked recently? You might laugh when I say story time at the public library, Jazzercise classes, and in line at the DMV. It is hard for me to be the one who initiates the conversation with a stranger. I have learned to put myself out there because with being in a new place I have to be the one who finds out what preschool has an opening mid-year, what pediatrician is accepting new patients, and where do you go to find the best breakfast burrito in town. It's all about networking.


  1. I do a lot of "networking" with other moms at story time at our library too!! LOL:)

  2. We moms can't do it without other moms. Networking is a means of survival!
