Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mommy's Project 52:2 Silly

Silly brings to mind two different things. The first is to be funny in a cute way. The other is lack of common sense or judgment, what I would really call foolish. Some dictionaries I looked at also included stupid as a synonym but I have banned that word at our house. Today’s post is dedicated to my “silly” kids. And they are totally funny in a cute way!!

Seriously, all I could find were two pictures. Am I so in the moment that I miss these great shots? Could we could use more fun, more silliness in our daily lives? Am I so busy making sure we get our work done before we play that I miss some silly opportunities along the way?

This led me to digging around to see what others were saying on the topic of silly. I found these articles that described that having time to be silly is important for our children, for our family, and for you. - talks about the importance of being silly

Maintain a Solid Marriage by Being Silly | hitched -describes how being silly can be good for your marriage. - a fun post that talks about being silly in public and letting others see your silly.

I am going to put a silly face somewhere in the house that only I can see as a way to remind me to let my silly out. Do any of you have a hard time letting your silly out?

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about how being silly is good for your marriage... totally makes sense. I love that!!
