I have always thought it was a good thing to multi-task. And I always thought I was pretty good at it....until I had kids. For some reason, adding the job of children to my list made multi-tasking not as effective and sometimes dangerous.
I no longer have a teapot. I make hot water with the coffee maker after burning two teapots up by leaving them on all night until all the water boiled away. This was during the infancy of my oldest child. The coffee pot automatically turns off after two hours.
Setting timers is a must. Before when I cooked, I would always look at the clock and somehow always managed to make it back in time to check on my cooking. After blackened cookies and numerous other things, I always set a timer that keeps beeping.
Lists, lists, and more lists. I not only have to make a list of all the stops we need to make, I also have to make a list of the things that need to be accomplished at that location. I have gone to the grocery store for milk and come away with everything but the real item that we had to have from the store in the first place. I also have trouble making it to the store with the coupons, much less ones that are not expired or get to the check-out with the wrong size or kind of product listed on the coupon. I have almost given up on coupons. How many of us have those grocery bag that you can re-use but never can get them from the house back to the car and then from the car back into the grocery store?
While many call this "mommy brain", I think it is the result of distraction and multi-tasking. I have too many balls in the air at one time and something has to be dropped. I still have to balance and manage many tasks at once but I am now willing to accept help in any form I can in order to be less forgetful.