There are so many ways to demonstrate that you care. It is important for our family that our kids grow up wanting to help and serve others. Here are some pictures that show some of the ways they care for others in their lives.
My husband has the privilege of still having both of his grandmothers so my kids have two great-grandmothers. It is amazing to see how both kids seem to understand and try to be gentle with both great-grandmothers. Just by being around them, they have an opportunity to really serve others. No one is better able than a little kid to get the shoes under the bed or find the domino that dropped under the table.
One of the reasons I am glad we have two kids is the opportunity for them to love and serve each other. In this photo, my son is trying hard to entertain his sister while we attend a graveside service. He also got to witness how people comfort and care for each other in time of loss.
This is my son in 2010 getting a shoebox ready for Operation Christmas Child. We started this last year when he had just turned four. We just got our shoeboxes for this year from church this week. For more information, you can visit The local food pantry is another great way for kids to serve others in the community.
It starts small but I see caring actions initiated by him occasionally. He naturally wants to help and serve and I want to do all I can to encourage service to others as a life long passion.